Friday, April 16, 2010

Pure Sunshine!!

Ten things that I love about Aleksi...
1. she loves any child like it's her own
2. she loves movies and quoting them
3. the girl has a serious sense of style
4. she texts me throughout the day
5. laughs when i say dumb things
6. we can talk about completely superficial things
7. she is a dog lover
8. she is the definition of beach bum
9. my kids love her
10. she makes me want to be a better person.

e o r
s u i
t s e
...i n
...n d

Thursday, April 15, 2010

By the way

I got my hair done...

I feel clean again! (sigh!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Let's review

This past week I made something wonderful...

I dressed Rita inspired by an oldie but goodie, "Let's Get Physical"...

And can't stop thinking about this dang HOBO!!!! Darn you Aleksi!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

My heart hurts

I was blog hopping around 2 months ago and came across a blog. She had her youngest son who was 10 weeks old pass away in January. The words she writes about him and how she feels are amazing! She is a spiritual GIANT. I just visited her blog and she had the most beautiful post about Easter...
I had to share it HERE.

You will not have a dry eye watching the film...cuddle your babies after watching.